Le Berger poète | réédition
Suites et sonates pour flûte et musette
Classica – 4 étoiles
Diapason 5
Bravo de Trad Magazine
Alpha Classics • Alpha 332 • ISBN • 1 CD • 1 h 12
- P. Danican Philidor, 5e Suite en mi mineur pour flûte et B.C. : Très lentement (2:57)
- Allemande (3:16)
- Sarabande (4:10)
- Gigue (3:02)
- Chédeville, Sonate n°6 en sol mineur pour musette et B.C. : Vivace (1:21)
- Fuga Da Capella (2:11)
- Largo (2:53)
- Allegro Ma Non Presto (0:35)
- J. Hotteterre, 2e Suite en do mineur pour flûte et B.C. : Prélude (3:30)
- Allemande (4:31)
- Sarabande (4:36)
- Menuets (1:44)
- Gavotte (1:23)
- Rondeau (2:31)
- Gigue (1:30)
- J.F. Rebel, Musette (2:47)
- J. Bodin de Boismortier, Sonate A Quatre Pour 3 Flûtes & Basse Continue En La Mineur: Adagio (1:39)
- Allegro (1:44)
- Largo (2:30)
- Allegro (2:06)
- F. Couperin, Le Rossignol En Amour (3:21)
- M. Pignolet de Montéclair, Plainte D’Iphise (2:48)
- Les Bergeries de M. Couperin [sic] (4:40)
- Air De M. Demondonville (1:59)
- Dugué, Sonate en trio pour musette, vielle à roue et B.C. en Do Majeur; Modérément (3:07)
- Gracieusement (1:38)
- Légèrement (2:32)
Listen to the disc
François Lazarevitch : transverse flute, musette & direction
Matthias Loibner : hurdy-gurdy
Alexis Kossenko, transverse flutes
Lucas Guimaraes Peres : viola da gamba
André Henrich : theorbo, guitar
Stéphane Fuget : harpsichord
Réédition de l’album Alpha 148 paru le 4 juin 2009.
Philippe Ramin – diapason
From the first notes of the Philidor suite, we feel that the intelligence of the subject is second to none. in no way the most touching expressiveness.
Diapason – 5 diapasons
Philippe Ramin
From the first notes of Philidor’s suite, we feel that the intelligence of the subject is in no way inferior to the most touching expressiveness. A very rich continuo follows the slightest inflections of the flautist, increasing tenfold with infinite talent the colors of an instrument treated with the greatest suavity…
Classica – 4 étoiles
Pascal Gresset
After a first notable title of gallant pieces from the 18th century (À l’ombre d’un ormeau), Les Musiciens de Saint-Julien do it again. The “good taste” of the time is clearly served by a fine sensitivity and accuracy of color giving these pages an exquisite charm. Beyond the interpretation and the art that these musicians have, led on the flute or the musette by François Lazarevitch, of uniting the ends of notes with silence, this version underlines the qualities of French chamber music of the ‘era. Among the highlights of this version, we will notice a Sonata from Pastor fido by Chédeville […] a Sonata for three reference flutes, signed Bodin de Boismortier, with an interrogative largo and allegros of an inimitable swing.
Trad Mag – Bravo Trad Mag
Didier Plisson
This magnificent album is performed by excellent musicians. […] We fall under the spell. […] Not enough space to talk about it enough. Buy it, it’s even better.
Muse Baroque – Muse d’or
Loïc Chahine
[…] On a careful, varied and delicate bass, rises a sound that is always sensitive, whether that of the flute […] or that of the musette, […] that François Lazarevitch plays with exceptional mastery. The virtuosity is there, assured, often airy (Philidor, Gigue), but also tender in its whispered high notes (Sarabande). And what noble poise in German women, what finesse in the smallest ornament! Everything contributes to the spellbinding of the listener. Perfect symbiosis, from the first seconds (Prelude to the 5th suite of Philidor) between the musicians, who move away from each other without ever losing each other, and are animated by a single breath. […] A Nightingale in Love […] comes close to perfection through the beauty of the sound, the finesse of the attacks, the accuracy of the expression […]: Nature, according to Buffon, “has fulfilled (the bird- fly) of all the gifts that she has only shared with other birds: lightness, speed, agility, grace and rich adornment, all belong to this little favorite”; one is tempted to apply the same description to the flute of François Lazarevitch for this Nightingale.
Jean-François Meira
We are absolutely enchanted by the works and sounds of this album, and first of all by the wonderful flutes. […] But if the transverse flutes are perfect here, it is the musette which gives the record its unique, irreplaceable character […] it is a noble and learned instrument that we are dealing with, of which Lazarevitch knows how to make the whole virtuoso potential […]
We will salute all the instrumentalists, as well as the Alpha label, which once again stands out for its love of discovery.
Marie-Aude La Batide-Alanore
Listening to this disc, we are struck by the great awareness, in the interpretation, of the tempo which preserves the relief and transitions of the works. The naturalness in the articulation and phrasing, the childish and mischievous sounds spread a real breath of fresh air over this music. […] In short, the Musicians of Saint Julien have largely met the challenge of bringing to life a neglected musette repertoire and delighting lovers of baroque flutes.