Inspired by the intimate conviction of their founder, flautist and pioneering researcher François Lazarevitch, Les Musiciens de Saint-Julien have been evolving since 2006 as free spirits on the paths of the Baroque, matching up oral and written sources.
Sortie CD
Our latest CD, MOZART: CONCERTOS FOR FLUTE, CONCERTO FOR FLUTE AND HARP, was released on 23 August. It is available to order from our online shop!
Forthcoming events
- 22 nov.
- 15h30
1000 ans de cornemuse en France
Récital de François Lazarevitch
Los rencontres occitans d’Aubrac, Argences en Aubrac
- From 30 nov. to 1st dec.
Master class de flûte baroque
par François Lazarevitch
Bon Secours Retreat and Conference Center, Marriottsville, États-Unis d’Amérique
The programs
The repertoire of the ensemble
Découvrez les programmes
L’Académie des Musiciens de Saint-Julien
Les stages organisés par l’Académie
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Actions et sensibilisation
Conférences, masterclass, projets pédagogiques
Nos actions
Concerts, traineeship and the news of the ensemble once a month in your mail box
The shop
Discs, partitions